Friday, November 21, 2008

Orange and Pink Revisited

As I mentioned, it is my dream to one day have a orange and pink dining or even a living room. Please Sir mentioned the Wary Meyers website, which is where I found this inspiration. It could work for our new casita, that is framing the wall with colour, since the space is not all that large, and it will be a bit dark I think as well. The only window faces an inner patio and the room receives diffused light. I wonder if I could convince my sweetie for us to be bold with colour?

*Señor Capone loves this idea, and it did not take any convincing on my part at all except to show him the photo. So I guess I will be getting my Orange and Pink living room after all these years.


Unknown said...

Orange + fucshia pink + red... This combo makes me dream...

Holly said...

Yes, I feel super giddy just thinking about it. Just like if I ate a whole container of dulce de leche!

Elizabeth Brinton said...

Wow! That is an unexpected and beautiful color combination.